About Us

Established circa 1981 and incorporated in 2000 as a 501(c)(3) organization, Tierra Linda Volunteer Fire Department (TLVFD) is a 100% voluntary organization. No wages are paid, and there are no administrative costs. All funds we receive are used exclusively for providing emergency services to our customers. Gillespie County, where we reside, and neighboring Kerr County provide contracts annually for emergency service. These important county funds do help defray a portion of our operating and maintenance costs. We also pursue grants for equipment when they are available. All other funding for our operations and maintenance comes from voluntary contributions from our community and nearby businesses.
Our primary fire district is approximately 85 square miles located in southwest Gillespie County and northwest Kerr County. However, we participate in automatic and mutual aid agreements that frequently result in our operating throughout Kerr and Gillespie Counties and even beyond during major incidents.
Although our station is physically located on the Tierra Linda Ranch, we are an independent fire control and registered Texas Emergency Medical Services First Responder Organization (FRO). TLVFD is fully capable of fighting all types of structural and wildland fires, providing Basic Life Support (BLS) medical services, preparing landing zones for air ambulances, and assisting Advanced Life Support (ALS) at any incident. We are frequently called upon to assist DPS and County Sheriffs (both Kerr and Gillespie Counties) with motor vehicle accidents providing victim extrication and assistance, fire control, and traffic control including site cleanup. We also participate in a variety of public service activities.